A new technology for a new smile
LANAP is an acronym that stands for Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure. It has revolutionized the treatment of gum disease by combining the most effective and established methods of treatment with the precision use of a special laser.
Although as much as 75% of the population has some form of gum disease, many avoid seeking treatment because of their aversion to the discomfort that often results from dental surgery. LANAP is changing this however, by providing an alternative to traditional periodontal surgery that is every bit as effective, and much more beneficial to the patient both in the short term and in the long run.
Because of its less invasive nature, there are a number of noticeable advantages and benefits that LANAP offers over traditional surgery. For one thing, there is a much faster recovery time because most, if not all, damage to healthy tissue is proactively averted by through the use of more advanced, precision technology. Because LANAP selectively removes diseased tissue, the height of the gums themselves around the teeth is much better preserved, and there is also much less post-operative stress to the mouth.
For many people as well, the aversion to surgery is motivated by time constraints as much as it is motivated by an aversion to pain. Traditional dental surgery normally takes four 1-hour sessions with multiple visits for suture removal and checkups. LANAP, on the other hand, usually takes only two 1-hour to 2-hour sessions and two follow-up visits. This means more can be done with fewer days off, and typical recovery is faster, making an immediate return to work both possible and comfortable in most cases.
Common Questions
How many treatments will I need?
LANAP™ doesn't take much time at all -- just two two-hour sessions versus eight to ten one-hour sessions with surgery. You don't have to worry about to much bleeding or stitches because your gums haven't been cut.
What's different about Research Proven LANAP?
LANAP™ uses a special kind of laser called the PerioLase-MVP-7™, invented by two dentists in Cerritos, California. Dr. Robert Gregg and Dr. Delwin McCarthy spent years developing a better way to treat gum disease. The laser fiber, which is only about as wide as three human hairs, is inserted between the gum tissue and your tooth, where it removes the noxious elements that cause gum disease.
What's the best way to treat Periodontal Disease?
LANAP™ surgical laser protocol alternative to gum surgery, is a less painful, less traumatic way to treat periodontal disease at any stage.
What about recovery - will I be in pain or need to follow a special routine?
The sense of recovery is immediate, due to the laser’s ability to seal blood vessels, lymphatics and nerve endings. Of course, your tissue needs time to recover, regenerate and heal over the course of time, but after LANAP™ sessions, usually you can drive your car, go back to work, or resume normal daily activity.